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Split Apple Paddle HOT DEAL

What to bring

What to wear kayaking

The Abel Tasman region enjoys glorious weather, summer and winter. Temperatures can be crisp in the mornings and cool in late afternoon with summer sea breezes.

Bring a spare set of clothing and warm layer to be stored in the kayak so you can change into dry gear if necessary.

Footwear for kayaking is optional. Light shoes or water socks are best. Your feet will get wet.

Always bring shoes and socks for walking, in case weather causes you to land on a beach where some walking might be necessary.

We provide a spray jacket and buoyancy vest that will keep you warm on most days when paddling. On cooler days, we provide booties (bring socks for lining) and gloves for added comfort.

Not recommended: cotton clothing, especially denim. It is very heavy and cold when wet, and takes a long time to dry. Thermal, quick-dry fabrics are best e.g. polypropylene, polarfleece, wool.

Included kayak gear
  • A stable double kayak with paddles, so two people share the paddling effort. If you are travelling on your own, your guide will find you a suitable kayaking partner
  • Kayak skirt to minimise water splashing into your kayak
  • Spray jacket (water resistant but not waterproof)
  • Buoyancy aid
  • Dry bags for spare clothing and camera gear. Bags are waterproof if sealed correctly. We cannot guarantee your sensitive electronic equipment against splash damage.
  • Maximum eight people per guide
  • Boat back-up
  • In the cooler months, we provide gloves and booties (bring socks for lining)